Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Amigurumi, pronounced ah-mee-goo-roo-mee, is the Japanese art of crocheting small animals or toys in a single crochet in the round. Amigurumi are made up of parts that are crocheted, stuffed, and then sewn together. The parts are usually an oversized head, a cylindrical body, thin arms and legs, ears and a tail (if needed) and embellishments. They are quick to make (usually) and make cute little gifts.

Here is my very first Amigurumi - we call him Chilly -

Chilly went to live with his namesake at Christmas time, (my brother-in-law) who's nickname is Chilly (because his name is Clyde Hill a/k/a C Hill a/k/a Chill - hence the Chilly...did you follow that???) and his personal trademark has become the penquin.

Since Chilly, I have made several Amigurumi animals for many of my family members with the lastest being cute bride and groom bunnies for my niece who just got married this past weekend,

and a cute little frog for my step-mom, who has a thing for froggies...

So there you have it...what that strange word means, how to say it and what it looks like, all rolled into one post. With that being handled...I leave you with this to ponder...


  1. Very cool! The "pink thing" looks like a Tribble from Star Trek!!!

  2. Love it! :) I don't have any amigurumi thingies yet... I wonder if they have flip flops ones! Prolly not....

    Oh, and I dunno what a Tribble is, but I don't think that's right Steve :)

  3. That pink thing is the stuff for the cool flip flops!!!!! :)

    And I love my bride and groom bunnies
